&nesn't need his na up lights
&n be heard hether
&nr the ic
&n unlike everyne
&nf the fact that people
still thk that they kno hi
but fxxk 'e
&ns the de
&nut the sary
&nut reality and ak' noise
&nry ak' sure his clique stays up
that ans hen he puts it don
摩图拉办公室内,宋亚跟着节拍强烈的伴奏,将一大段r唱了下来,然后一指艾尔,“ale's pick' it up, let's !”
&n the hell is he anyay
he never really talks uch
&nncerned ith stat
but still leav' the star struck
&niven despite the fact &ne hi becae he akes a liv' fro rit' rs &n the picture nnects &nr one's help, &nnly foced on hat he rote, &nnd reach &n hen it all unfolds, &nf an artist 然后是迪莱,this is enty percent skill,eighty percent beer…… 一曲唱罢,办公室里的听众都嗨起来了,“哇哦!”玛丽亚凯莉站起来鼓着掌说道:“音乐旋律很富力量和激情,词也很好,s,你又完成了一首好歌,this is ten percent ck, enty percent skill,fifteen percent ncentrated poer of ill,five percent pleasure, fifty percent pa,and a hundred percent rean……” 她即兴比划着嘻哈手势跟唱了几句,果然天赋惊人,听过一遍就学得有模有样。 摩图拉笑吟吟地看着她,“不如你干脆转型当饶舌歌手算了,玛丽。” “讨厌。”玛利亚凯莉娇嗔着打了下他的胳膊。 摩图拉很受用地大笑。 “伴奏很精彩,就是短了点……”华特还是那样有啥说啥:“后面基本在不停重复。” “饶舌音乐就是这样,节奏感和韵脚最为重要。”宋亚回答,为了让改动后的歌词合韵,他烧死了不少脑细胞。 “确实。”大卫科尔给他和艾尔、迪莱递上香槟,“这首reber the na比你的首单i feel it g强多了。” “会大卖吗?”宋亚问。 “绝对的。”摩图拉举起酒杯,“你在首单宣传上面就很令我刮目相看了,我没料到这么不配合传统发行方式的做法会卖出白金唱片,这首歌会更成功的s。华特,继续为他的正式版本制作帮助